
Finding Frank by Teresa Rochetti-Cantrell

Her story for a little more than fifty years had been a blessed one. She had been married to the love of her life for nearly thirty years. They had raised two wonderful children, and were on the brink of emptying their nest. Her work had recently taken her to a new level, being elected as her city’s first female mayor, although getting to that point in her career did not come without some frustrating — even painful consequences. She learned that those dark times had been a necessary rite of passage for what was in store for her and her family. It started with a simple question that she thought she could never completely answer. But God. He had more in store — in finding the answer to that question — than she ever could have imagined. Finding Frank is the journey of an adult woman as she searched for information about her biological father, who she had believed to be dead for many years. In sharing her story, Teresa Rochetti-Cantrell wants to bring hope to others in similar situations.
